What We Offer

According to the HRSA Uniform Data System (UDS), over 3.3 million older adults receive their health care from health centers in the United States. The primary users of health centers are predominantly lower-income older adults, whose health conditions are further compounded by societal drivers of health (e.g., genetics, behavior, environmental and physical influences, medical care and social factors). According to the National Health Center Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment (Fall 2021), 31% of federally- funded health centers serve a high percentage of older adults. Nearly 58% of those who stated that they serve a high percentage of older adults stated that training on accessibility and affordability was an immediate priority for their organization. 

At NCECE, we aim to address these needs by offering training (i.e., learning collaboratives, webinars, asynchronous training modules) and providing technical assistance to health centers across the country. 

  1. Creating collaborative, interprofessional learning environments among health care centers in underserved areas with specialty teams of practitioners.
  2. Developing and delivering national training modules and resources focused on effective and comprehensive service delivery to older adults.
  3. Providing technical assistance in-person and via an online platform to health centers throughout the US.