Past Series: Improving Chronic Disease Management for Older Adults Living with Diabetes: A Practice-based Learning and Quality Improvement Approach


Evidence is growing about the integral relationship between oral health and chronic diseases. There exist a bi-directional relationship between oral health and diabetes. An interprofessional, team-based approach in practice and quality improvement is important for improving patient and population health outcomes for older adults living with diabetes.
NCECE hosted a four-session Learning Collaborative to discuss an integrated approach to managing oral health for older adults with diabetes through a practice-based learning and quality improvement approach. 

Session Topics and Objectives

The four sessions covered a variety of topics and objectives, including:

Session 1: Oral Health and Diabetes: A Bi-directional Relationship

  1. Discuss the integral relationship between oral health and diabetes.
  2. Describe a team-based, integrated approach for chronic disease management for older adults with diabetes.

Session 2: Identifying Oral Health Conditions in Older Adults with Diabetes

  1. Identify early warning signs and common oral conditions related to diabetes.
  2. List key questions to include in a patient health history.

Session 3: Management of Oral Conditions in Older Adults with Diabetes

  1. Develop an interdisciplinary plan of care for managing oral conditions in older adults with diabetes.
  2. Discuss the roles of the interprofessional team in managing oral health and diabetes.

Session 4: Quality Measurement Matters

  1. Discuss why measurement matters in quality improvement.
  2. Apply the Plan-Do-Study-Act method to improve health outcomes for older adults with diabetes.

Request Access to Resources

Registered participants: Email us to access materials for each of the sessions.

Interested in accessing materials from this learning collaborative but you're not affiliated with a HRSA-funded health center or look-alike? Contact us with information about your organization and intended use of our materials.