Past Series: Care Coordination Models for Elders with Diabetes and other Chronic Conditions


In an effort to accelerate learning and collaboration within HRSA Health Center grantees across the U.S. that aim to improve the health outcomes for the ever-growing older adult population in their communities, the National Center of Equitable Care for Elders launched a four-session series to examine the various models of coordinated care and referral processes for older adults with diabetes and look for best practices.

Expected Outcome: Development of a guideline on improving coordinated care and referral processes for oral health and behavioral services among elderly diabetics.

Session Topics and Objectives

The four sessions covered a variety of topics and objectives, including:

Session 1: Aging, Diabetes, and Co-Morbid Conditions

1. Understand the normative aging process.
2. Understand the interplay between diabetes and other co-morbid conditions among adults 65 and over.

Session 2: Care Management in Older Adults with Diabetes

1. To understand the goal of care management in older adults with diabetes.
2. To learn about strategies for implementing care management with special focus on older adults.
3. To learn about and share models of care management in older adults with diabetes.

Session 3: Essential Elements of Care Coordination in Older Adults with Diabetes

1. To understand the impact of fragmented care on health care outcomes and costs.
2. To understand the goal of care coordination in older adults with diabetes.
3. To understand the essential elements of care coordination.
4. To learn about and share models of care coordination in older adults with diabetes.

Session 4: Coordinating Specialty Referrals for Older Adults with Diabetes and Co-Morbid Conditions (Dental and Mental)

1. To understand the importance of referrals to dental and behavioral services among older adults with diabetes.
2. To learn about and share models of referral systems to dental care and behavioral services.

Request Access to Resources

Registered participants: Email us to access materials for each of the sessions.

Interested in accessing materials from this learning collaborative but you're not affiliated with a HRSA-funded health center or look-alike? Contact us with information about your organization and intended use of our materials.